

Page history last edited by Collier 8 years, 1 month ago


PLEASE NOTE: This Wiki is largely inactive now. J.D. Doyle

has duplicated my timeline and is expanding on it: 






Welcome to Queerstorical Houston !



In many communities, local LGBT history has remained largely inaccessible to researchers, educators, and the general public--and even the LGBT community itself because documentation of the "queer" experience in general is often fragmentary and scattered. However, our history DOES exist...be it in old photo albums or scrapbooks, letters and journals, boxes of memorabilia and keepsakes left behind by others, or the tall tales and stories held in the collective community memory. These personal treasures often go unrecognized despite the important community history they inevitably contain. While the Houston ARCH project will have many facets, the overarching goal will be to uncover and preserve the collective community memory so our story can be told.


To help put things in perspective, we have been developing a timeline of events.




The Bars

have played an important part in every gayborhood by serving as a meeting place and community focal point.

The Dogpatch 2 was located at 1213 Richmond



I am using mapbuilder.net to map the locations of all the old bars in Houston as well as other places of interest to the LGBT community of our town.



 LXIX began publication in March of 1978





The Publications 

  The newsletters, periodicals, and "bar rags" that have circulated

throughout Houston at different times are an integral source of

information. I hope to see the start of a project to index the earliest publications

which would make the history of our community more accessible. 

 Click here to see my list as it stands right now.




Oral histories are essential for documenting any minority community. Over time historians develope "master narratives" that people draw on for their understanding of, and beliefs regarding, our past.


Oral history interviews are the single most powerful way of challenging the absolute veracity of the timelines and stories that have come to be regarded as the truth.


We plan to develope a database listing the people that have been interviewed, those we wish to interview, and where we are in the process regarding each interview...



Click HERE to read a bit more about what Oral History projects are and the purpose they serve.





Oral History Collections/Projects


Oral History Resources 


Community Research Project of Rice University's "Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies".




Baylor Oral History Workshop Materials.zip


DoingOralHistory.org Resources.zip


Capturing the Living Past - An Oral History Primer.doc


LSU Oral History Center Resources.zip








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