
SWGS 201: Community Research Project

Page history last edited by Collier 11 years, 10 months ago

Each spring semester since 2007, the students in the Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies at Rice University have participated in the Community Research Project.  Approximately 16 people are interviewed each year, and in the spring of 2013, we anticipate a total of 100 interviews will have been collected.  The students select the interviewees from a list of hundreds of Houstonians who have made contributions to the LGBT community and volunteered to be interviewed by the students.  The students then spend a month researching their selections, and once their background reports are completed, they conduct the interview with their chosen community members.  Students then share their work with the class at the end of the semester, and invite their interviewees to attend the presentations.


Since 2007, the students' projects have been incorporated into the History Tent at the Pride Festival in June.  In 2010, several of the students' projects were displayed as Wikipedia pages.  We anticipate that by the end of the summer of 2012, a number of the videos will be posted to Rice's YouTube channel; stay tuned to this webpage for further details and links.


The students' collective body of work stands as a testament to the vibrancy of the Houston LGBT communities, and provides a crucial witness to the enduring relevance of sexuality, gender identity, and gender expression as issues of social justice.  Over time, links to the students' work will be added to the list below.  Even if the Community Research Project continues for decades, this list will always be in some way incomplete.  It will always be missing someone you know.


The Community Research Project has been reviewed by Rice University's Institutional Review Board regulating research with Human Subjects.  Questions about the project, or suggestions for potential interviewees may be directed to the Principal Investigator, Brian Riedel.


Allen, Jay Interview done 2007
Alsbrooks, Ruston Interview done 2010
Anderson, Suzanne Interview done 2008
Arcos, Rob Interview done 2007
Bagby-Grose, Burton Interview done 2010
Baggott, Terrance (Terry) Interview done 2009
Banks, Kris Interview done 2010
Beauregard, Max Interview done 2009
Berel-Harrop, Sarah Interview done 2010
Brewton, Gary

Interview done 2010

Butler, Hiram Interview done 2008
Campbell, Jeffrey Interview done 2007
Carroll, Jill Interview done 2009
Carroll, Tony Interview done 2010
Coleman, Marion Interview done 2008
Collins, Mike Interview done 2007
Dawson, Fiona Interview done 2007
Dawson, Shawn Interview done 2007
Doclar, Charlotte Interview done 2008
Doyle, JD Interview done 2010
Edwards-Foster, Vanessa Interview done 2009
Fagan, David Interview done 2010
Fernandez, Sara Interview done 2009
Ford, Nancy Interview done 2007
Freeman, Noel Interview done 2007
Frye, Phyllis Randolph Interview done 2007
Garces, Daniel Interview done 2009
Gorczynski, Christina Interview done 2010
Harrington, Lee Interview done 2009
Hill, Ray Interview done 2008
Huffer, Sally Interview done 2010
Humphries, John Interview done 2009
Katine, Mitchell Interview done 2007
Kirkland, Steven Interview done 2009
Lovell, Sue Interview done 2010
Manouse, Ernie Interview done 2010
Martinez, Alex Interview done 2009
Martinez, Cristina Interview done 2007
Mays, Jessica Interview done 2009
McCann, Kelly Interview done 2008
Meier, Colt Interview done 2010
Miles, Derick Interview done 2007
Murphy, Deb Interview done 2009
Nechman, John Interview done 2009
Odom, Brad Interview done 2008
Palmer, John Interview done 2008
Parker, Annise Interview done 2007
Pool, Jenifer Rene Interview done 2008
Redmond, Dionne Interview done 2009
Renteria, Anita Interview done 2008
Roddy, Lilly Interview done 2008
Rose, Vivian Interview done 2008
Schmitt, Christopher Interview done 2008
Skinner, Colen Interview done 2007
Smith, Bruce Interview done 2010
Stabler, Meghan Interview done 2010
Thibaudeau, Eva Interview done 2008
Vergel, Nelson Interview done 2007
Wallace, Tammi Interview done 2007
Walters, Fred Interview done 2008
Watson, Lucy Interview done 2007
Zuckerbrod, Stewart Interview done 2009


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